May 2016 – Table of Contents
Tuesday, April 12 2016 by Website Editor
34 Ingate (Full Article)
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22 Charity:
The Kentucky Horse Park Foundation
26 Equestrian Edibles:
Laura Kraut’s Favorite Dish
28 Life Is A Vacation for Monahan Prudent
32 Show Jumper Brian Walker Answers … [Read more]
- Published in 05-2016, Front Cover
Tagged under: andrew welles, barn, bill moroney, boyd-martin, brian walker, brianne goutal, charity, classifieds, cuqui hazoury, discipline, edibles, equestrian, family, farm, horseback, hotel lexington, jumper, kaitlin blythe, kessler, kessler family, kim herslow, mason phelps, medals, monahan prudent, museum, real estate, tack and feed, trainers, vacation
Advertise With Sidelines Magazine
Friday, August 30 2013 by Editor
Advertise with Sidelines Magazine. Founded in 1988 by publisher Samantha Charles, we are an equestrian lifestyle magazine for horse people - about horse people
- Published in Sidelines TV
Tagged under: adobe, auto, chrome, discipline, equestrian-lifestyle, google-account, lifestyle, michigan, sidelines, sidelines-magazine, sports, windows
A Look at Pre-Purchase Exams
Wednesday, August 14 2013 by Editor
If you’ve ever purchased a horse, chances are you have ordered a pre-purchase exam to be performed by a veterinarian. Pre-purchase exams are the best tool you have as a potential owner to make sure that the horse you are buying is presented accurately and has no significant pre-existing medical issues. The exam is complex – do you know everything that’s involved?
- Published in The Classic Insider, Z-Blogs
International Helmet Awareness Day
Thursday, June 20 2013 by Editor
Houston, TX – In the saddle is a natural place to be for Keely McIntosh, a vibrant young woman with a passion for horses, equestrian sports, and a full life ahead of her. Keely has ridden since before she could walk and competed in Pony Club before she could read. The written tests for Pony Club ratings had to be read to Keely by the older girls and the family joke is that Keely learned her letters from the dressage arena. By age 6, Keely was showing in the Hunter ring in Welsh Pony classes. Her riding repertoire also includes Western, Eventing, and Charity Trail Rides to benefit SIRE programs. Today, Keely, 19 from Magnolia,Texas, is a show jumper competing in A and AA shows and, more times than not, lands in the top spot of the Amateur/Owner Show Jumping classes. However, all her years in the saddle never prepared her for an unexpected, life-changing moment with her horse in the ring.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Susan Treabess (USA) and Kamiakin Top Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3*
Monday, June 17 2013 by Editor
Susan Treabess (USA) and Kamiakin Top Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3* Developing Riders Earn Their Qualifying Scores for the 2014 World Equestrian Games Rancho Murieta, CA-June 16, 2013- As the Pura Raza Espanol, Kamiakin, made its way down to X on the centerline, Susan Treabess (USA) cracked a smile. The Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3* crowd erupted in cheering for the stallion and his Grade IV rider who had just completed an outstanding freestyle
- Published in Show World, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: america, barbara grassmyer, between the ears, discipline, dressage, grade, knowledge, olympic sidelines, show world, sidelines-magazine, tails & trails
Announcing the 2013 Adequan Global Dressage Festival CPEDI3* March 14-17
Thursday, January 31 2013 by Editor
Wellington, FL -January 30, 2013 Announcing the 2013 Adequan Global Dressage Festival WEF Dressage Classic CPEDI3* presented by Today’s Equestrian and Fellows scheduled March 14-17, 2013. This will be the first opportunity of the 2013 season for Para-Equestrian Dressage riders to begin the qualifying process for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France. The Adequan Global Dressage Festival CPEDI3* will take place in Wellington, Florida at the beautifully designed Adequan Global Dressage Festival Show Grounds.
- Published in General, Show World, Z-Blogs
Tagged under: archives, discipline, dressage, education, games, in the irons, london, pony tales, president, the offside, united-states