The 2013 George Morris Clinic Returns to the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center November 8-10
Friday, October 04 2013 by Editor
Buffalo, NY – October 4, 2013 – World renowned George H. Morris will once again travel to the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center (BTRC) for the 2013 George Morris Clinic.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Record Rainfall At Sonoma No Match for Martin Collins Equine Footing
Wednesday, October 02 2013 by Editor
Surface performed outstandingly despite deluge at Sonoma Horse Park Lexington, KY (September 30th) – When the show must go on, Sonoma Horse park officials put their trust in Martin Collins Equ ine Surfaces . Despite six hours of consecutive, heavy rain (record rainfall for a single day in September in Sonoma County) at the Sonoma Horse Park’s final Saturday show of the 2013 season, Martin Collins’ CLOPF® footing held up flawlessly throughout the downpour, and the horse show stayed on schedule.
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Diary of a Podium Hopeful: The Championship and Final Entry
Wednesday, October 02 2013 by Editor
by Sophie St.Clair Last week I travelled to Sacramento to compete in the USHJA Children’s and Adult Amateur West Regional Jumper Championship. The event was held at Murieta Equestrian Center in Rancho Murieta, CA
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Good Food Hunting: Dressage at Devon
Thursday, September 26 2013 by Editor
By Kat Wojtylak Fig, Gorgonzola and Prosciutto Naan Pizza from The Pub at Wegmans. Dressage at Devon is well underway. The breed show itself takes place earlier in the week with the performance horses coming in to finish off the weekend. Much like the Devon Horse Show it promotes a worldly feel in a old time venue just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs
Grand Champions Polo Club 2013 Fall Season Countdown Begins
Friday, September 13 2013 by Editor
WELLINGTON, FL-Sept. 13, 2013—The two-week countdown has begun for the fall polo season in Wellington. After a successful spring season, Grand Champions Polo Club will host what promises to be one of the most competitive fall seasons in club history
- Published in What's Happenin', Z-Blogs