Smile…And Put Your Ears Up! (Do you have any “ears back” photos that top mine?)
- Published in Editor's Notes, Z-Blogs
Off Centerline
Not many dry eyes in the house when Olympian Steffen Peters took his final ride on Ravel at the 2012 Olympics. It was especially touching when Steffen leaned down and whispered in the great horse’s ear. Ravel, owned by Akiko … [Read more]
- Published in 10-2012, Off Centerline
Once A Horse Person, Always A Horse Person
- Published in Editor's Notes, Z-Blogs
Trip To London 2012 & Watching The Dressage Grand Prix Special
- Published in Adventures with Angelea, Z-Blogs
Off Centerline
Fun in Olympic proportions! A few weeks prior to the Olympics, ShowChic hosted an Olympic predictions night with Olympic dressage riders Bent Jensen and Lars Petersen. Bent and Lars made predictions on which horse and rider combinations might win … [Read more]
- Published in 09-2012, Off Centerline
How many times do you ride a day? What’s your training schedule like?
- Published in Adventures with Angelea, Z-Blogs
Off Centerline
Television personality Stephen Colbert had the dressage world buzzing with his announcement on the “Colbert Report” that dressage is the Sport of the Summer. Colbert talked about Rafalca, owned in part by Ann Romney (wife of Presidential hopeful Mitt … [Read more]
- Published in 08-2012, Off Centerline
Off Centerline
ShowChic (formerly Show Clothes) has developed a Mentorship Program to help younger upcoming riders. Instead of just giving them riding clothes and goodies Michele Hundt, owner, came up with the idea of mentoring these riders and having them help … [Read more]
- Published in 07-2012, Off Centerline
Off Centerline
Brandi Roenick has leased Bruce and Jen Hlavacek’s Pan American Games gold medal winner Weltino’s Magic this season. Roenick, 17, won three gold medals at the North American Junior And Young Rider Championships. She has been living and training with … [Read more]
- Published in 06-2012, Off Centerline
Cross-Training: Another HP Adventure in DQ Land
- Published in Tucker The Wunderkind, Z-Blogs