Tucker’s First Fix-A-Test
Monday, June 03 2013 by Editor
OnTheBit from A Horse and a Half (who also did the fix-a-test with Lucky) was kind enough to video our test during the fix-a-test we did on Sunday, so you all can see how adorable Tucker is looking these days. I loved the Judge, Mindy Elgart. She gave lots of helpful criticism but was extremely nice to all of us.
- Published in Tucker The Wunderkind, Z-Blogs
Outsmarting the Smart Horse
Friday, May 24 2013 by Editor
So now that all Tucker’s physical issues are behind us, I’ve spent many an hour contemplating how to improve the behavioral issues, and at about 1 a.m.
- Published in Tucker The Wunderkind, Z-Blogs
The Long-Awaited Tucker Update
Wednesday, May 22 2013 by Editor
Let’s see… how to sum up how we’ve spent the end of winter and beginning of spring. As the winter progressed and Tucker got bored with seeing the four walls of the indoor, those four walls began hiding dangerous (read: imaginary) predators.
- Published in Tucker The Wunderkind, Z-Blogs
Jeff Cook Clinic Recap
Wednesday, January 02 2013 by Editor
Wayyy back in November, Tucker and I took a lesson with Jeff Cook, one of my favorite trainers, at our friend’s beautiful farm, Stoneleigh (Tucker and I have farmsat there a few times). Since Tucker was just getting back to work after time off to recover from popping his splint, and wasn’t quite at his usual fitness level, we took it easy but still got some valuable feedback from Jeff, which I’ve been meaning to share with you. You may recall I was a little MIA for a while because of a trial that lasted all summer… this had the unintended side effect of leaving Tucker looking generally like a wildabeast. So, before we could go anywhere we needed a little Extreme Makeover: Horse Edition . Before: (everyone always looks grumpy in the before photo) After: So much better! I’m not sure Tucker fully appreciated my efforts given that it was a little chilly that morning for a bath, but you know, the price of beauty and all that…
- Published in Tucker The Wunderkind, Z-Blogs