Jump Ahead with a Jeté!
Tuesday, October 15 2013
by Editor
Schleese Saddlery, long known as a significant player in the dressage saddle market, and specializing in saddles made specifically for women, has now ventured into the hunter/jumper market with its revolutionary Jeté saddle. The word Jeté comes from the French and in its verb form (jeter) simply means “to jump”. Jeté itself is a noun and means ‘the Jump’ – in ballet the term “Grand Jeté” connotates a classical leap high in the air in full split extension
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Horses Will ROAR with Animal Planet! – October 14 – November 12
Tuesday, October 15 2013
by Editor
WESTPORT, CT – October 14, 2013 – Starting today – October 14 through November 12, horse lovers everywhere will have the opportunity to prove that “Horses Have the Loudest ROAR” in the Animal Planet ROAR (Reach Out. Act
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Hillary Simpson Brought Arkansas Back to His Roots in Retired Racehorse Training Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium
Saturday, October 12 2013
by Editor
Headlined Star-Studded Line-up in Two-Day Event at Pimlico Race Course Southern Pines, NC–October 8, 2013—Grand Prix rider Hillary Simpson showed that careers in show jumping can be viable for ex-race horses during her appearance with her Thoroughbred Arkansas in the Retired Racehorse Training Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, MD, over the weekend of October 5-6. Simpson brought her 10-year-old Thoroughbred gelding, on whom she has won several Grand Prix ribbons this year including a win in the Mt. Equinox Grand Prix in Vermont, to the two-day event and participated in several functions.
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Good Food Hunting: Foodie Interview with Kate Samuels
Thursday, October 10 2013
by Editor
By Kat Wojtylak Hearty beef stew with cornbread cooked up by Kate. Kate Samuels is a writer for Eventing Nation . She tackles the obstacles in her life as an event rider and does it all while she moonlights as a foodie. Kate ‘s story is like many others out there.
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Tagged under:
Chef, chef du cuisine, educationhorse, eventing, hanoverian, interview, pony tales, what's happenin'
Kevin Staut Travels to Cambodia as JustWorld International Ambassador
Monday, October 07 2013
by Editor
Phnom Penh, Cambodia – “I am going to take a break,” Kevin Staut announced at the end of September, “…and I am staying away from show jumping arenas this fall.” Truth be told, his ‘break’ is only relative to show jumping.
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The 2013 George Morris Clinic Returns to the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center November 8-10
Friday, October 04 2013
by Editor
Buffalo, NY – October 4, 2013 – World renowned George H. Morris will once again travel to the Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center (BTRC) for the 2013 George Morris Clinic.
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Good Food Hunting: Baked Apple Cider Donuts
Thursday, October 03 2013
by Editor
By Kat Wojtylak Baked apple cider donuts make for a healthier way to enjoy one of my favorite fall treats! Fall is officially here in every sense of the season.
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Tagged under:
december-2011, equestrian, kat wojtylak, mini donut, mini doughnut, recipe, the classic insider, tucker the wunderkind, united-states
Record Rainfall At Sonoma No Match for Martin Collins Equine Footing
Wednesday, October 02 2013
by Editor
Surface performed outstandingly despite deluge at Sonoma Horse Park Lexington, KY (September 30th) – When the show must go on, Sonoma Horse park officials put their trust in Martin Collins Equ ine Surfaces . Despite six hours of consecutive, heavy rain (record rainfall for a single day in September in Sonoma County) at the Sonoma Horse Park’s final Saturday show of the 2013 season, Martin Collins’ CLOPF® footing held up flawlessly throughout the downpour, and the horse show stayed on schedule.
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Diary of a Podium Hopeful: The Championship and Final Entry
Wednesday, October 02 2013
by Editor
by Sophie St.Clair Last week I travelled to Sacramento to compete in the USHJA Children’s and Adult Amateur West Regional Jumper Championship. The event was held at Murieta Equestrian Center in Rancho Murieta, CA
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Paladin Wins Prisa Invitational Title In Fall Season Opener
Tuesday, October 01 2013
by Editor
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